Health & Nutritious

Juice That Reduce Blood Pressure Quickly : 

Poverty and Poor Health in Pakistan  :

Nutrition basics :

Do you feel like you can't keep up with the latest nutrition news because it's always changing? While it's true that what is known about nutrition and diet is evolving, there are some nutrition basics that can help you sort through the latest research and advice.
Mastering nutrition basics comes down to understanding the roles that specific nutrients play in a healthy diet. Want to go beyond the nutrition basics? Talk to your doctor or a dietitian for personalized dietary advice that takes into account your health status, lifestyle, and food likes and dislikes.

Proper nutrition tips in Urdu:

proper nutrition tipsProper nutrition in the 21st Century a big issue with many facets. The variety of foods, fast foods and Co. is large and presents us with the agony of choice. But a sensible diet, along with regular exercise is the key to a healthy life. Not for nothing it says “You are what you eat“. Even with a few very simple nutrition tips can make the diet healthy and perfectly integrated into everyday life. Incorporate a healthy diet into everyday life, is not all that difficult. Just follow our proper nutrition tips,  beauty proper nutrition tips in Urdu and you will notice after a short time that you, you really feel fit.

Proper nutrition tips

1.  The breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day, especially if you want you eat healthy. However, you should note a few things here as well. In addition to the coffee,water or tea is part of a good breakfast because the body is doing at night a lot of work to rejuvenate and detoxify.
2.  Eat several small meals a day. This has the advantage that your stomach is not characterized earlier the onset of stretching as far as eating large portions, and satiety. Even the cravings so has no chance.
3.  In everyday life, the way you eat and often do not notice what or how much one actually takes with himself. Experiments in the future, you concentrate on your food. It can also help to keep a record of what you eat, then bad habits can be discovered in the nutrition and better controlled.
4.  Chew slowly and calmly, as the prerequisite for optimal digestion of ingested food is good preparation in the mouth. Chewing themselves heard, so to speak to digest it. Every morsel you to gulp down in a hurry, your stomach is still a great challenge, which comes at the cost of your life energy and health.
5.  Fruits and vegetables constitute one of the most important building blocks for a healthy diet and therefore also forms an important cornerstone for diets such as the low GI diet.Fruits and vegetables provide you vitamins and minerals and are best eaten fresh in large quantities. Too much vegetables you can not eat. Fruit you should but in the evening, to take you because of the high content of fructose, only in small amounts.

Banana :

Banana is Authentic for Head Headache Relief

A banana  can trigger a headache is controversial. What little scientific research has been done on the subject has often been inconclusive. And most studies depend on patients reporting what they ate before headaches set in, data that aren't always reliable.

Surprising Health & Beauty Benefits of Orange Juice
Orange juice can make you look more beautiful

London: A daily glass of orange juice can help improve your skin, hair and nails, say a panel of health and beauty experts.

They attribute the benefits to the vitamin C, potassium and folic acid it contains. Vitamin C is essential in the production of collagen, along with super nutrient Lutein.

Apple & Avacado facial mask

 Apple Facial mask
  • 1 cored apple cut into quarters
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • ½ teaspoon of sage
Chop up the apple quarters in a food processor. Add the honey and sage and then refrigerate for about 10 minutes. Lightly pat the mixture onto the face until the honey feels tacky. Leave it on the skin for 30 minutes and then rinse the face mask off with cool water.
 Avocado Facial mask
  • 2 tablespoons hot water
  • 1 tablespoon honey
Mash the Avocado with a fork. Dissolve the honey into the water and mix well with fruits. Apply on your face smoothly. Let it sit on the skin for 10 minutes. Wash your face. It makes your skin soft and clean.

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